Sign up for unlimited extra tuition classes per week
with just one click on The Edu Experience Mobile App.
In addition to primary English, Mathematics and Science tuition classes, we also offer enrichment programmes and Study Group sessions. Our enrichment programmes stimulate the mind and expose our students to a variety of creative skills, including 3D design and ICT skills.
We offer Enrichment Programmes to stimulate the
mind and expose our students to a variety of
creative skills, including 3D Design, Creative Writing
and ICT Skills.
In addition to primary English, Mathematics and Science tuition classes, we also offer enrichment programmes and Study Group sessions. Our enrichment programmes stimulate the mind and expose our students to a variety of creative skills, including 3D design and ICT skills.
Study Group lessons are scheduled self-study lessons
with teacher supervision. Students receive
immediate feedback and targeted strategies to
strengthen subject mastery.
We have partnered with Samsung to build a classroom
that leverages on cutting-edge technology to
encourage self-directed learning and facilitate student collaboration.
Book additional free tuition classes with us using
The Edu Experience Mobile App.