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Primary School English Tuition

Inspiring Empathetic Communicators & Creative Inquirers

Our Primary English Tuition Curriculum

The Edu Experience’s English Exposure coursework aims to help children master grammatical concepts, expand their vocabulary banks, and refine their writing skills. We offer English Primary School Tuition to students from Primary 1-6. Students are exposed to real-world issues and themes and take part in activities (such as speech, drama, and debate) that aim to shape them into confident speakers and writers. It is essential to cement a strong foundation in the English language as it is the main avenue of communication in Singapore. Our coursework covers the following:

Core English Lessons at TEE 

Structured, intensive, and all-encompassing, English lessons at TEE cover all examinable components, and aim to equip students with the skills necessary to tackle and ace examinations. Our lessons cover and reinforce these essential skills: 

1. Grammar 

Students learn and revise both basic and advanced grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement, subjunctive mood, reported speech, and tenses. We revisit each rule regularly and students have intensive weekly practices, becoming well-versed in grammar within no time. 

2. Vocabulary 

Students expand their vocabulary banks through exercises such as cloze passages. They are also exposed to current events and essential news so that they are apprised of the happenings around them, and may grow to become well-informed and confident learners. 

3. Comprehension 

Students pick up key skills such as inferencing, and how to identify and use contextual clues to derive answers. Significant points and tricky words in each story are highlighted and explained, and students learn about the various literary devices present in each passage. 

4. Creative writing 

Lower primary students work on increasing writing stamina and building confidence. Children attempt writing exercises that gradually increase in difficulty, from filling in the blanks with appropriate words and phrases, to eventually writing their own stories. Our lower primary curriculum aims to instil a love of the English language in our little ones through fun writing topics and engaging activities such as writing excursions, equipping them with essential skills before they start creative writing lessons in P3. 

Middle and upper primary students are given the opportunity to apply the techniques learnt in creative writing classes to their own compositions. They are exposed to various themes and topics and given close guidance. Mistakes made are corrected on the spot, and students go home with fully-written and fully-marked compositions. 

5. Oral and communication 

MOE has announced new changes to the 2025 PSLE English syllabus, one of which is a shift in the distribution of marks. With this, oral communication will take up 20% of a child’s final score, an increase from the former 15%. 

This change underscores the importance of strong verbal expression in language learning, as students will be assessed not only on their articulation, but also their ability to engage in thoughtful discussions. TEE is committed to helping its students improve their oral communication skills, and offer oral-focused lessons, where students learn how to pronounce tricky words, how to read expressively and fluently, and how to present their opinions and engage in meaningful conversations confidently and coherently. 

Students also build confidence and develop presentation skills through various activities, such as show-and-tell for P1-P3, and debate for P4-P6.

Primary 1 English

Laying the Groundwork for
Language Mastery
Building a strong foundation is key to academic success. We aim to not only instill a love of learning in our students, but also equip them with the skills needed to tackle primary-level learning with confidence.

Primary 2 English

Developing Building Blocks for
Building upon the foundation laid in Primary 1, students learn more advanced concepts and work on the application of those concepts.

Primary 3 English

Navigating Linguistic Challenges
With the introduction of creative writing lessons, students pick up key writing techniques and expand their vocabulary banks while still honing their grammar skills.

Primary 4 English

Strengthening Language Skills
Students refine key skills in a supportive environment as they manage the rigors of the upper primary years.

Primary 5 English

Advancing Language Proficiency
Sharpening their skills and bridging learning gaps, our students gain a head start on PSLE preparations so they may enter the following year with renewed focus and confidence.

Primary 6 English

Paving the Way for PSLE Success
Students revise their content knowledge and sit for mock examinations to identify learning gaps. Close guidance and support is given to each student to ensure they are well-primed for PSLE success.

Primary 1 English
Laying the Groundwork for

Language Mastery
Building a strong foundation is key to academic success. We aim to not only instill a love of learning in our students, but also equip them with the skills needed to tackle primary-level learning with confidence.

Primary 2 English
Developing Building Blocks for

Building upon the foundation laid in Primary 1, students learn more advanced concepts and work on the application of those concepts.

Primary 3 English
Navigating Linguistic Challenges

With the introduction of creative writing lessons, students pick up key writing techniques and expand their vocabulary banks while still honing their grammar skills.

Primary 4 English
Strengthening Language Skills

Students refine key skills in a supportive environment as they manage the rigors of the upper primary years.

Primary 5 English
Advancing Language Proficiency

Sharpening their skills and bridging learning gaps, our students gain a head start on PSLE preparations so they may enter the following year with renewed focus and confidence.

Primary 6 English
Paving the Way for PSLE Success

Students revise their content knowledge and sit for mock examinations to identify learning gaps. Close guidance and support is given to each student to ensure they are well-primed for PSLE success.

English Mock Exam Paper

Upper primary students sit for English mock examination papers thrice a year. Conducted under simulated examination settings, these papers help to identify learning gaps and aid teachers in formulating action plans.

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